Core stabilization
Classes and workshops at Sunshine Therapeutics span from physical fitness to mental wellness and spiritual healing. All pilates and hatha yoga classes emphasize form and using the core muscles to keep everyone safe whether your goal is overall wellness or rehabilitation from an injury, surgery, or illness.The Kundalini yoga, Yoga Nidra, and Voyage to HEAL weekly classes provide more awareness to the body and mind connection and our ability to self-heal. Our special events are wonderful added bonuses to treat the body, mind, and spiritual essence. Whether you need to get moving or learn to be still, we have a class perfect for you.

Weekly Pilates and Yoga Classes: We are doing virtual classes while in quarantine

Voyage to HEAL Weekly Thoughts Live: Visit the blog posts to watch the weekly classes and Stretch and Connect with Jocelyn Pilates: Wednesdays at 1 pm with Michele Gangwer virtually. Please call her at 513-218-4115 to register and receive the link Yoga /Pilates Combo: Wednesday 9 am with Michele Gangwer (on hold) All classes are $15/each and limited to 8 people a class. For more information on these classes and all the services at Sunshine Therapeutics, please visit the Complimentary Techniques page or contact Michele Gangwer at 513-298-4115 for information and to register.

Special Events at Sunshine Therapeutics:

I can’t tell you how very excited I am to announce these events! Please join us to fully embrace your physical, emotional, and spiritual potential to feel totally awesome! Sacred Circle with Diana Rankin: TBA Sacred Circle Meditations and Messages include an evening of storytelling, a guided meditation for personal and planetary healing, and individual psychic messages from Spirit for participants who desire. During the messages, nothing you do not want to be revealed is revealed only the guidance that you are searching for will come forth without robbing you of the power you have to make your own decisions. Gathering in Sacred Circle helps you to accelerate your growth and manifest your dreams and desires while also helping to alleviate suffering in our world and heal our planet. Hear how the messages for others can also resonate with you. Sacred Circles are open to everyone and are given for a love offering, suggested $20. Love offerings are appreciated and allow Diana to continue to provide Sacred Circles.

Voyage to HEAL Weekend Excursion:

Friday January 22nd and 23rd, 2021. Classes are limited to 10 participants. Experience the entire Voyage to HEAL journey to peace of body and peace of mind in an evening and all-day event. See how your physical body, emotional mind, and spiritual security can shift in just 12 hours. Heal the soul to heal the body. Come journey to this place called peace. Life is not a struggle. Life is a gift and you are the gift giver. Give this gift to yourself. Along this voyage, you will traverse the historical waters of your life understanding how you have come to this point. Your body and heart will be your guide explaining what your pain and struggles have been trying to reveal to you. Throughout this journey, you will become more intimate with your internal and eternal guide than you ever have feeling God’s presence with you and in you always. Don’t just read the bible, hear the words of God pouring out of you and guiding you. Voyage Itinerary: Through stretches, meditations, postural corrections, and basic pelvic floor and core activation exercises, you will transcend your body from struggle to ease, from pain to peace. Jocelyn uses her occupational therapy background to treat the cumulative and physical traumas of our everyday habits, weakness, and accidents. She then uses her background in psychology, school of experience, and her faith in God to treat the emotional traumas by shifting tissue memory so you are no longer in fight, flight, or freeze mode. What is included in the retreat:
  • Myofascial Release
  • Massage
  • Essential Oils
  • Reiki/ Healing touch
  • Kundalini Yoga
  • One-on-One instruction
  • Inner awareness and reflection
  • Let go of what you do not need and pull in what you do
Who should take this voyage: This class is appropriate for anyone over 15 years of age regardless of sex, physical status, nationality, or religious belief. Whether you are recovering from an injury or trying to get healthy to prevent medical issues, this trip is for you. Voyage duration: We will depart on Friday evening from 6:30 pm-9:30 pm and continue sailing on Saturday from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm. Cost to take the voyage: The voyage is $350/person.This fee will also include the lifetime membership to the on-line Voyage to HEAL, class handouts, snacks, lunch on Saturday, and a releaser ball. Where does the voyage take place: The voyage takes place at Sunshine Therapeutics located at 277 Miami St, Waynesville, OH 45068. How do you sign up: Contact Jocelyn Metzger MOT, OTR/L at 937-307-4174 or via email at , mail a check made to Sunshine Therapeutics to P.O. Box 619, Waynesville, OH 45068, or Click here to register on-line

Specialty Workshops:

Would you and your team, friends, or family like a class specifically designed for you? We would be more than happy to help. We can offer any of the on-line courses as well as: 1 – 2 Hour classes: ($65-125/person)
  • Breathing for life
  • Postural Alignment and Awareness
  • Kinesiotaping
  • The Pelvic floor, the core, and more
  • Equestrian riding assessment and correction
Full Day Classes: ($350/person)
  • Functional Neuromuscular Re-education to get muscles working using Nuero Developmental Treatment
  • What is Myofascial Release and how can I use it in my practice or on my loved one?
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