
This was the demo that I used for your homepage, but I am finished with it now. I left it so that you can play around with this page (its not showing in your menu or the front end of the site, so its hidden). You can also use it to convert other pages to Elementor if you wish. Or you can delete if finished.

I just left it for you in case you wanted to experiment or restyle for another page. Again, you won’t mess anything up on this page.

Sunshine Therapeutics- providing Myofascial Release to Dayton and Cincinnati, OH

Using Myofascial Release wellness services and the Voyage to HEAL principles, we are trained to treat the cumulative traumas of everyday habits, the physical traumas of life’s sudden events, and the emotional challenges that keep the body in a holding and bracing pattern. All sessions are geared toward developing self-awareness for without awareness there is no cure. We offer one-on-one sessions, group classes, and on-line programs.

Your health is important to us. Therefore, due to the close contact during treatments, Jocelyn will not being seeing clients until the Corona COVID-19 virus concerns have lifted. We will be exploring live on-line classes during this break and Jocelyn will be offering 30 minute phone consultations. Please visit our store for more details. Thank you for your understanding and doing your part now to stop a devastating spread later on. Godspeed on your Voyage to HEAL.

Personalized Service

Focus on You with a one-on-one Myofascial Release Session, Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Assisted Stretching, Yoga, Pilates, and Prayer work session.
Click Here for more information.

Voyage to HEAL

Voyage to HEAL

You have the power to heal yourself. Take this voyage of self-awareness and transformation to begin a new, healthier life.
Click Here for more information.

Products & Registration

Products & Registration

Visit our store to purchase self-treatment products and videos, an MFR session, and register for classes and workshops.
Click Here for more information.

Class Schedule:

Our classes focus on form and using the core muscles to keep everyone safe whether your goal is overall wellness or rehabilitation from an injury, surgery, or illness.

Pilates: Wednesdays virtually at 1pm. Contact Michele to register at 513-218-4115

Yoga /Pilates Combo: on hold due to the virus

Kundalini Yoga: Tuesdays at 6pm virtually. Contact Tammy at 937-302-7445 to register

Voyage to HEAL Weekly classes: All classes are prerecorded and found in the weekly blog post

All classes are $15/each. Pre-registration is always appreciated by contacting the instructor or Jocelyn, but not required. Discounts of $12/class are offered when buying in bulk for the Kundalini Yoga class.

Special Events:

Our special events open pathways for healing physically, emotionally, and spiritually in the supportive energy of a group. All events are non-competitive, not invasive to anyone’s personal space or information, and are full of opportunities to deepen your self awareness and ability to self-heal.

Sacred Circle with Diana Rankin

TBA Enjoy an evening of story telling, a guided meditation for personal and planetary healing, and receive an individual psychic messages from Spirit if you would like. Diana lovingly flows this evening into messages for everyone with every word she speaks. Find peace, find clarity, and rest assured that you will hear what you have been needing to hear.

Urban Zen Integrated Yoga with Brooke Grider

TBA: With a specific theme in mind, Brooke combines restorative yoga, essential oils, body awareness, and meditation to create an incredibly peaceful space for you.

Awakening to your Deeper Intuition with Diana Rankin

Rescheduled tentatively for Friday, June 26th through Sunday, June 28th, join Diana as you open your intuitive abilities through her skilled guidance.

Click Here for more information on all the events listed above


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  • Ergonomic Mommy
  • Good for the Body
  • Good for the Soul
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Weekly blog

Body, Mind, and God

Treating the Body, Mind, and Spirit or Body, Mind, and Soul is a catchy tag line to get people’s attention that healing or staying healthy ...
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Weekly blog

Master of Planning Ahead

Most every evening and morning, I am preparing for what I will need the next day by packing the mommy van so everyone has what ...
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Weekly blog

New Years Resolutions

Oh those New Year’s resolutions that we make and then break. What is the secret to keeping what we set out to do? Focus on ...
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Weekly blog

Turn to God

What a glorious time of year as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Christ Jesus. What does it mean to be saved? It means ...
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Weekly blog

Ask but once

This world can really test our faith and mess with our ability to fully trust that God’s watching out for us. I know that He ...
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Weekly blog

Do not be Deterred

It seems like whenever I lighten my schedule, think I am going to have a free day, or try to start a healthy routine something ...
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