How long do I have to wait?

When is it going to happen?

Have you ever waited and waited for something to happen that you knew was going to happen, but just isn’t happening? Then you decide to take matters into your own hands and try to make something happen, but it backfires on you. Blast it can that be frustrated when we are asked to be patient and let God’s plan unfold on God’s timing.

Sometimes, in this physical form, it is so hard to be still in the chaos and anticipation of something great happening. This is when we must hold strong in our faith that good things are to come even in the midst of so much not going right. We may slip up at times and try to rush things, but we definitely know when that isn’t right because things start falling apart rather than falling into place.

I was reminded of this as I am reading through the book of Genesis. God promised Abraham that he and Sarah would have a son. At 90 some years old, Abraham was getting impatient and his wife Sarah told him to take her servant girl as a wife so he could have the son God promised him. So Abraham took the servant girl and she did have a son. Of course, this did not make Sarah very happy, nor God. God had to remind Abraham that he and Sarah were going to have a child and they would name him Isaac. This, of course, did happen, but it just goes to show that even the prophets struggled with God’s timing for his great plan.

Hold steady. Be patient. There are great things in store for you. So how long is too long to wait? When you feel the energy shifting and what you once thought was right, no longer feels right, then you understand why what you wanted to happen didn’t happen. Only then, do you see the amazing works of the Lord guiding your life. What isn’t to happen, won’t happen, and what is to happen will. Let go of anything that captivates your thoughts, time, and energy.  Surrender to the flow of what is to come when it is to come. Find peace in every moment and the anxiety or anticipation of what is to come will not take over your decision-making process. Instead, let God to be the map maker of your life. Only he knows the answer. 


“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ~ Jeremiah 29:11


Voyage to HEAL Weekly Focus

Stretch: The key component that differentiates myofascial release stretches from all other forms of stretches in the waiting and feeling the body soften and let go. This may take 2 minutes or 20 minutes. When you are holding the myofascial release stretches it is a time to connect with your body, your thoughts, and your spirit. Listen to what the Lord is trying to tell you through your body as you hold the stretches. Shift the tissue memory that is holding on tight to protect you for you need no protection more than what God provides.

Sit with your legs straddled out as far as you can and then bring them in slightly so the stretch isn’t too intense. First lean to the left, the middle, and right a few times. Whatever direction is easiest, hold there and begin a conversation with yourself so soften into the stretch. As this side softens, move to one of the other 2 directions and repeat.

Exercise: Laying on your back, activate your pelvic floor and core, raise one or both legs up and begin to scissor them. Start with small, controlled movements for 8-10 repetitions. Remember to breathe. If you are doing one leg, that is perfectly fine.

Habitual change: Think about adding a shock-absorbing pad under your feet wherever you are the most. That could be at your desk, the kitchen sink, or even your bathroom sink. You’ll be amazed at how much that extra support makes throughout your whole body.

Enlightened Perspective: I know greatness awaits me and this whole world. I will live in the light.

Journaling Option: What greatness do you know is in store for you? How can you see the groundwork being laid out for you right now?

This week’s blog post directly correlates with week 9 of the Voyage to HEAL, God’s plan. There are temptations all around us. Hold steady and know that great things are in store for you when you follow God’s plan and God’s timing. May we unite and all feel the peace and love that flows through us from our Lord Jesus Christ. Let peace flow through you and unto me and out to every heart you touch. Come start your Voyage to HEAL.


Godspeed on your Voyage to HEAL.



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