Myofascial Release Services (Local Service)


Experience a subtle transformation in your body as you let go of holding and bracing patterns that have contributed to your pain and illness. Using the healing touch of myofascial release, your body and mind will return to a neutral state, let go of pain, and find peace. Treat the cause, not just the symptoms associated with cumulative, physical, and emotional traumas.

  • 1-hour Myofascial Release (MFR) Session: $125
  • 1.5 hour (90 minutes) MFR Session $185
  • 2-hour MFR Session: $250

Location: Sunshine Therapeutics, 277 Miami St., Waynesville, OH 45068

* This service is provided in person, you must be able to meet at the location above in order to attend.
** No tax will be charged if you have a doctor’s prescription stating Occupational Therapy for a specific diagnosis with code. 

Myofascial Release Services

1 hour Human MFR Session, 1.5 hour Human MFR Session, 2 hour Human MFR Session

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