It seems that i am constantly trying to balance my time. I desperately try not to over book myself so I can spend more time with my daughter, husband, horse, dogs, me, clients, getting house chores done, getting work things done, blogging, facebooking. Get the picture. I even put all these activities into percentages and figured out how long I could do each thing based on the number of hours I’m awake in a day. This was very comical and very impractical. So how do we balance our time. I simply stopped wearing a watch and caring so much about time. I look at balancing my time as a mental game rather than a time oriented task. I may have an overbooked day, but I enjoy each activity. If I’m late for the next event, I give a courtesy call that says I will be late, but try to enjoy what I am presently doing. That’s what’s most important, to enjoy the here and now.
Balancing time #6
Jocelyn Metzger
/ April 21, 2014