
One of my friends was reflecting on a year she had of achieving her bucket list. As she reflected, she noticed how many people had said they would commit to an activity and they never did it.
This really hit me strong as I am presently working on trying to lose some weight after having my children. I started a Christmas wish challenge to lose 20 pounds in 20 weeks and found that after 6 weeks of trying, my weight had actually gone up. I noticed as I wasn’t losing any weight that I began to get discouraged. Then when I gained weight I wanted to just quit. Then I got sick with a cold, as did my kids, and that started a downward spiral. That downward spiral has lasted almost 4 weeks now.
When my friend told me about how tough it was for people to keep their commitment it dawned on me how easy it is to quit especially when things aren’t going as we wanted. This is my reminder that making the right decisions is not always the easiest and the things we want most in life require a good amount of effort. This includes our own self-healing which is the hardest thing to do.
Think of how many times you set a New Year’s resolution and by March you’ve completely forgotten it or December rolls around and you find that you have the same resolution as last year that is uncompleted.
I am grateful that my friend brought this to my attention so that I can get myself back on track. I wish I could say I’m one of those self-motivated people, but I know that I require the help from friends and Healthcare and spiritual professionals around me. They are my angels. Good luck in your challenges.
If it means alot to you, don’t quit! If you make a commitment to do something, then do it. If you say you’re going to be somewhere and do something, then do it. Good luck.

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