One of my dear friends sent me the link below which filled me with so much joy and hope for the year 2019. As I shared this link with several of my friends, I realized we have all been on a similar journey of discovery through life’s events. If you’re like me, you probably wouldn’t categorize the last 3 years to be the best 3 years. Though there definitely were several wonderful things that happened, it just felt like I was working through mud to keep a smile on my face. There have been so many transition and challenges especially in this last year, but I could feel as this year ended that all those heavy burdens were lifting off and 2019 really was going to be the turn around year. Kari Samuels sums up last year and what I was feeling about 2019. So, she wins the first Make Me Smile Post for 2019.
Hope for 2019
Jocelyn Metzger
/ January 2, 2019