Make a good choice

My theme for the last couple days have been to make a good choice. Any time I reach for a snack I tell myself make a good choice. This seems to be working pretty well except when I find myself in stressful situations.
Which brings me to a thought provoking question of what motivates people and what makes us make not so good decisions? We know that doing good things for our body makes us feel better so why do we choose the not so good things as our comforts?
I would love peoples feedback on what encourages you to make good decisions and what causes you to make the not-so-good decisions.

1 thought on “Make a good choice”

  1. I make bad choices when I feel committed to doing “seat work” at home…and I would rather not do that! It makes me crazy! Reminds me of all the hundreds of hours spent “seated” doing planning lesson plans and grading papers when I was teaching at our middle school. So what to do about that? Planning ahead seems to help. Planning to give myself plenty of time to do it without a deadline. Then I can do a little at a time. Making a good choice here would be not leaving it until the last minute!

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