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Kundalini Yoga

I have so enjoyed experiencing the Kundalini yoga focused on letting go of fear and infiltrating our body with love. Sound familiar? This is the core concept of myofascial release, the Voyage to HEAL, A Course In Miracles, and the Bible itself. I mentioned to a client today that after taking my first vacation series myofascial release course I found this new sense of I am safe. After reading the Course In Miracles I understood that I truly am safe because there is no room in my body for fear because I am so consumed with love. The Kundalini yoga is helping bring this out even more allowing the energy of peace and love to flow through my body as we breath  and move. From the beginning chant to the ending gong, Kundalini yoga is something everyone should experience at least once a week to renew, refresh, or restart your engine so you can keep going.

Here are a couple of videos from the last two classes.


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