Our house

I just came to a realization that I need to share with all the other house moms out there that go crazy trying to keep their house clean and organized. You know how we exert a lot of energy teaching … Read More

Kari Samuels – Numerology

https://karisamuels.com/numerology/ Here’s something just a little bit fun to get to know yourself even more. The more we know ourselves and understand our reactions, the better we can turn those into responses. You are never doomed by anything. You define … Read More


Laugh! Why do we have April Fool’s Day? Because we can get so bogged down in taking life too seriously and thinking of all our “to do’s”. My husband is great at playing and running around with my girls always … Read More

Make Me Smile

The Make Me Smile Category is going to be filled with funny and heartwarming stories of good things happening all around us. There really are so many wonderful things that happen everyday. So here’s your first make me smile event: … Read More

The strength in 1

Lesson 95 is a great reminder of how we truly are all connected and everything that we do really does affect the rest of the world.  Sometimes when our efforts seem to go unnoticed we can get quite frustrated and … Read More

The untethered soul

I am reading a book right now called the untethered soul and it proposes a few really good questions when you are having internal conversations with your mind and trying to solve problems. It says that when a problem is … Read More

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