Weekly blog

The Voyage to HEAL is an on-going process of awareness and transitioning. These weekly blog posts provide physical, mental, and spiritual relief to transition your body and soul to a more peaceful and joyous place. There are stretches, exercises, meditations, and habitual changes to decrease pain while also eliciting hope and inspiration. Listen, feel, and heal as you continue on your Voyage to HEAL.

I am Enough

I don’t know about you, but I have been victim of falling into the “I am not enough” bottomless pit […]

Mole hill out of a mountain

So as I was doing a grounding awareness today and feeling space around me and observing the room I was


I am so very proud of myself. I figured out how to add the app to create blogs to my

Foot stretches

Last week on the Voyage to HEAL we focused on the feet. At a previous yoga class taught by our

Tools to Relieve Neck Pain

There are a lot of products out there to relieve neck pain. Most often my clients tell me how tight

Jaw stretches

I love to make videos for clients to show them the stretches and since this is the week of the

The Voice of God

Week #7 in the Voyage to HEAL focuses on the face and the voice of God. The background behind this

Vows of Armor

We just had another amazing Voyage to HEAL week #4 class focusing on the back and our Vows of Armor.

Pillow Roll for when it snows

It’s snowing and a lot of people won’t want to get out of bed. So, try this pillow roll stretch.

The Universe has a sense of humor

I don’t believe in coincidences. Everything truly is mapped out though we have the ability to change courses, but there

Replace "I have to"

So I realized I say I have to quite frequently with several things that I have to do. I have

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