Weekly blog

The Voyage to HEAL is an on-going process of awareness and transitioning. These weekly blog posts provide physical, mental, and spiritual relief to transition your body and soul to a more peaceful and joyous place. There are stretches, exercises, meditations, and habitual changes to decrease pain while also eliciting hope and inspiration. Listen, feel, and heal as you continue on your Voyage to HEAL.

Ignite your spirit

Commandment #5: Though shall not kill. Seems like a pretty easy commandment to keep. In the physical sense, yes it […]

Complete Healing

Wouldn’t you love complete healing? That is what I am trying to offer in this blog post. Nothing less than

Rest and the Gut

Rest and the Gut God created the 10 commandments to guide us to live a healthy, joyous, sin-free life. The

The Joy of Life

The pancreas processes sugar. You could say that it is our “sweet shop”. I can’t remember a time when eating

Give me sugar!

There are so very many temptations out there that really test our willpower which seems to always be weakened when

Belly armor

Tell me how to lose weight? Have you ever thought of your extra weight as a protection? Do an internet

Love your Liver

Let’s Talk About The Liver The liver is one of the most important organs in our body and I feel

I Love My Belly

I love my belly! How many of us can say that? I LOVE MY BELLY! More importantly, how could you

Spiritual healing

What comes first, spiritual or physical healing? Over the years, I have seen a pattern when people get sick, hurt,

I don’t have time for this

I don’t have time for this! Have you ever caught yourself saying this? Most often it’s when you have too

How to end an arguement

Many years ago, I took a self-defense class. The instructor said that the best way to win a fight was

How long do I have to wait?

When is it going to happen? Have you ever waited and waited for something to happen that you knew was

Are you over stretched?

Can you over-exercise and feel sore? Can you overeat and get a belly ache? Can you over-stretch and feel pain?

You are not trapped

This week’s message is short and sweet. Remember that you are never trapped where you are. We always have options.


I just had the most amazing revelation! When we blame other people, events, or things for causing our problems, we

The opportunity to love

We are given so many opportunities to show love. I have come to learn that caregiving for someone or something

The power of books

 Have you ever read a book that is so good you can’t put it down and read it over and

The Killer of Peace

  The killer of peace is often time. I have a love/hate relationship with time. It is probably about the

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